Swings N’ Things – The Hammock Experts
is proud to offer
World Class Hammocks & Porch Swings
at the most affordable prices…Guaranteed!!
Swings N’ Things is quite simply the only place you need to visit for all of your hammock and porch swing needs. We are NOT just a hammock “catalog” or “dot-com” operation, as are most of the websites you may have visited, we ARE the Hammock Experts!!
We first opened our doors in 1992, and have continued to grow in both our size and reputation as Florida’s Premier Hammock Outlet. Today, hundreds of daily visitors lounge in our store and over 100,000 customers have walked out with huge smiles, anxiously awaiting to hang their new hammocks. While our scope has broadened to now lead the world in on-line hammock retailing (We were among the first selling on-line – since 1996!), our original goals remain the same: Offer the best selection of hammock products at the lowest prices, and always make sure the customer leaves with a smile – 100% satisfied!! Nothing less will suffice. While we might not be able to see the smiles on our on-line customers’ faces, your complete satisfaction with our products AND service is priority one!
We are always prepared to take the extra step needed to get that smile. So if there is anything by way of question or comment you can offer to “help us – help you,” please feel free to call or e-mail us anytime.
Ivan Kahana
Swings N’ Things – The Hammock Experts
Orlando, Florida USA
1-407-522-2900 (outside the U.S.)